Do I Need a Camera in the Age of the Smartphone?

If you have one of the following problems it’s probably time for you to think about buying a camera. The exposure is not right or you can’t play with it to make the shot as dark or as bright as you’d like. The background is not nicely out of focus. The image quality is ok for sharing online but when you try to print a photo or view it on a large computer screen you were not happy with the quality. The handling of the phone makes it awkward sometimes to get a good shot. You wish you had something more ergonomic to hold onto, something a little more fun to use. You just want to improve your photography.

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Stormy Weather? Grab Your Camera.

Good weather is not the same as good photography weather. Bright sunshine around midday is probably the worst light to shoot in and stormy weather that might see you running home from work to beat the rain is actually great photography light. 

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